However, this does not mean that only such a sequence is possible.

However, this does not mean that only such a sequence is possible.

– 1995. Shekshlya SV, Personnel management of the modern organization, M. – 1996.


Modern manager: functions and qualifications. Abstract

In today’s situation, the manager is rather a guardian of his subordinates, who helps them in planning, improving the organization of work, explaining its necessity and belief in the correctness.

As soon as a group of people gathers to work together to achieve a common goal, they undoubtedly form what we all know as an organization. It can be a government structure and a public association, a religious community and a sports club, a hospital and a higher education institution.

People create organizations simply because working together, they can achieve much more significant results than alone. An integral part of any organization is a management system aimed at uniting and coordinating the efforts of all its members. After all, without this, individual members of the organization or their group, diligently directing their efforts at their own discretion (even guided by the best intentions), not taking into account the interests and tasks of others, may not only fail to achieve their goals, but also to achieve the complete opposite the collapse of the organization.

Even in a small organization, the lack of management can waste the efforts of its members, but if management is absent in a more complex organization, it is likely to be in chaos.

Thus, the very concept of management can be defined as follows:

Management – the art of working with people, the purpose of which is to ensure the achievement of goals through the development, adoption and implementation of effective decisions on the use of all available resources of the organization,

The main resources of the organization are always: people, finance, equipment, raw materials. Some managers (in our opinion quite rightly) now add to these resources two more types – information and time.

It should also be emphasized that the concept of management is often used to define in the organization a group of people who are responsible for making and making decisions and coordinating the use of available resources. Thus the manager – is the functionary of this system.

Of course, in any organization (except for very small ones), all managers occupy certain positions, which are traditionally divided into so-called “levels of management pyramid”, membership of which is determined by the amount of power and responsibility required to perform official duties. As noted above, a manager’s affiliation to a certain level of the “management pyramid” is determined by the amount of power and responsibility they are endowed with to perform their duties.

Authority – the right to order others to perform or not perform certain actions aimed at achieving a certain goal.

Responsibility – a duty that arises after the subordinate accepts a certain share of power delegated to him by the manager-supervisor.

Obviously, the duties and responsibilities of officials at different levels of the pyramid are different. Senior management – is responsible for the general state of affairs in the organization, middle management – is responsible for the affairs of a particular part of the organization (unit, department), line management – manages the activities of the smallest organizational unit (working group , sector, laboratory, department).

Let us emphasize at once that the third group of managers is the initial stage of a managerial career for university graduates, which will help to take knowledge of the basic responsibilities, directions and methods of line managers, which in English literature are sometimes called “little managers “.

In order to become a manager, you need to understand what makes them so necessary for the existence of every organization?

First of all, it is the performance of managerial functions that are important for the overall activities of organizations.

Consider in more detail the functions of managers.

The main functional responsibilities of the manager. Although there is no common and well-established classification of functions, most experts agree that there is a minimum set of functions common to all levels of the management pyramid. Here is this list in the following sequence:

Planning. Managers occupy certain positions and positions at different levels of the “pyramid of management” which correspond to certain amounts of power and responsibility, which increase when moving the manager to higher levels of management. Organizing. Leadership. Work with staff Monitoring.

The success of a manager is determined by how diligently and consistently he performs these functions.

Planning – choosing the future direction of the organization as a whole and its individual units in particular, as well as deciding on ways to achieve the desired results based on the collection and analysis of the necessary information.

Through planning, the goals of the organization are set and the ways and terms of achieving these goals are determined.

All other managerial functions depend on the planning function and cannot lead to success with unsatisfactory planning. Therefore, planning is a constant “headache” of any manager, or as very figuratively written in one of the American textbooks – it is an activity that takes place “between the ears” of the manager.

Organization – making decisions about the necessary actions that will lead to achieving goals, allocating human resources to working groups and appointing each group of its manager, in the end, providing the organization with all kinds of resources necessary for its activities.

Leadership – direct and practical management of subordinates in the process of performing their duties, which includes: informing subordinates about areas of activity, orders and instructions, motivating subordinates to effectively and efficiently perform their duties.

Some authors call this function the “human function of management” or the “human factor.” It is sometimes singled out as a function of motivation, emphasizing this component.

Work with staff – the process of selection, training, development, use and rewarding people for work done for the organization.

Although many management professionals often consider this function as part of the organization, we note its importance for any organization, which justifies its allocation to a separate object of consideration. The fact that the concept of “personnel management” – personnel management – has recently appeared also speaks in favor of this.

Monitoring – the process of comparing the actual results of activities with the planned indicators and the development and application (if necessary) of corrective measures to achieve the goals.

Performing this function is necessary to ensure that other management functions are also performed effectively and efficiently.

The usual procedure for performing managerial functions is determined by the above sequence of their consideration. However, this does not mean that only such a sequence is possible. All these functions can be performed in any order and direction.

The reader will inevitably have a question about how a modern manager differs from the traditional concept of a leader?

The evolution of the role of managers over many decades has taken place in the direction from the type of omnipotent and autocratic leader, who was the mediator between the owner of the organization and employees, to the mediator – a member of both management and non- managerial group. Thus, the manager is in a position that makes him belong to both subsystems of the organization – management and executive.

In today’s role, the manager rather represents the management system in its relations with subordinates by transferring decisions made at higher levels of management, but also has the right (and obligation) to make recommendations for these levels of management.

We emphasize once again that if the manager was previously “a law in itself” and had complete freedom of action in matters of hiring and firing workers solely on the basis of their own likes and dislikes, could determine the workload, set quality standards, quantity , work schedule, etc. ., today’s manager is deprived of such “dictatorial” opportunities.

In part, his responsibilities were transferred to other structural units (continuation of the division of labor), such as personnel departments. Positions that required special professional knowledge were held by specialists, laws were issued to protect workers, and so on.

Thus, managers found themselves in a new situation, which is characterized by a reduction of power and a change of emphasis on responsibility. In today’s situation, the manager is rather a guardian of his subordinates, who helps them in planning, improving the organization of work, explaining its necessity and belief in the correctness.

The most truthful position of a modern manager can be revealed by explaining his relationships with subordinates, colleagues and superiors, with working groups within the organization.

There are three main types of relationships that require the manager to use different behavioral approaches, namely:

personal relationships; internal organizational relations; external organizational relations.

Personal relationships. Previously, it was believed that managers (as well as other members of the organization) leave their personal problems before the threshold of their organization. However, now this misconception has been rejected. People come to their jobs with their worries and joys. Therefore, the inner world of the manager, his family relationships, relationships with friends and acquaintances have a significant impact on the level of performance of their duties. Developing this topic, we can conclude that these same factors will also have a significant impact on the formation of its relationships with other people both within the organization and in its external environment.

Internal organizational relations. In their organization, managers are constantly under constant pressure from a variety of and often conflict-prone communication. The main directions of such communication are the following: