The Miami-Dade Department of Emergency Management has established a Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES) group to help during disasters and large scale planned events. The Amateur Radio operators play an integral part in the Emergency Management field from the preplanning stages to the recovery stages. Members may be placed in shelters, the Emergency Operations Center (EOC), Points of Distribution (POD) and other relevant support facilities.
New members are required to fill out the forms Linked on this page and email it to Lloyd Kurtzman at
- RACES Volunteer Application
- Background Check and Fingerprint Application Form
- Background and Fingerprint Appointment Form
Members of the Miami Dade RACES group are to abide by the following rules and regulations in order to remain a member in good standing.
1. Miami-Dade County RACES personnel are expected to report for duty during any unscheduled call-up by Miami-Dade County Department of Emergency Management (DEM). During a disaster, personnel are expected first to ensure the well-being of their families before reporting for duty.
2. Miami-Dade County RACES personnel shall not self-activate, but shall monitor at least one of the MDC RACES repeaters for a call-up or to exchange information, immediately after becoming aware of an actual or possible disaster within the County.
3. To retain certification, Miami-Dade County RACES personnel are expected review ICS 100, ICS 200, ICS 700, ICS 800 online classes every May. In addition, to taking a WebEOC course. WebEOC is the computer management tool Miami-Dade County uses during disasters.
4. To retain certification, Miami-Dade County RACES personnel are expected to participate in at least two of the four annual drills, exercises, simulated disasters, and other training sessions.
5. Miami-Dade County RACES personnel are expected to adhere to all FCC Rules and Regulations, and to conduct themselves in a manner befitting certified public-safety communicators. They shall take pride in using excellent operating procedures at all times, whether or not during a RACES drill or event.
6. Miami-Dade County RACES personnel are expected to show a desire to help others, to learn from other personnel, and to train other personnel. They must exhibit an interest in and aptitude for handling emergency communications.
7. Miami-Dade County RACES personnel are expected to maintain their radio equipment in excellent operating condition, and to know thoroughly all functions of their equipment and the equipment at the Emergency Operations Center.